Creative Producer
Deepfocus is a production company for creative documentaries only. We love and strive for documentaire d’auteur with a strong personal signature. We only produce when we are convinced that nobody else could make this film at this moment in time. We like to engage with young filmmakers to accomplish their ‘impossible dream’.
Since the start in 1992, this approach has resulted in striking and awarded documentaries by a.o.: Jos de Putter (9 worldwide awarded documentaries), Jiska Rickels (Babaji; a love story, Awarded at Visions du Réel, 2009), Neske Beks (Eigen Volk / My own people) and Reber Dosky (Radio Kobanî, awarded best film Dutch Competition Idfa 2016, best film CPH Dox 2017, best documentary at Ismailia Filmfestival 2017, jury award Madrid 2017), Sidik and the Panther (Reber Dosky, awarded best film Dutch competition, IDFA 2019), Daughters of the Sun (Reber Dosky, 2022) and Message dfrom Sasha (Anna Rudikova, 2023).
As coproducer, we were involved in ‘N’ by Peter Krüger which premiered at the Berlinale 2014 and ‘Wim’ by Lut Vandekeybus.
Deepfocus also produced video-installations by renowned Duch director Clara van Gool and Jos de Putter, and for Jiyan Düyü: Heaven must be like this (2023, premiere at Depot Boijmans, Rotterdam).
For more information: Deepfocus website
Dieptescherpte produceert sinds 1992 creatieve documentaires. De productiemaatschappij specialiseert zich in auteursdocumentaires met een heel persoonlijke signatuur. Uitgangspunt voor productie is dat niemand anders de documentaire op deze manier, op deze plaats en op dit tijdstip zou kunnen maken. De voorkeur gaat uit naar aankomende makers die een ‘onmogelijke droom’ willen realiseren.
Dat heeft sinds de oprichting geresulteerd in spraakmakende en veelvuldig bekroonde documentaires van onder meer van Jos de Putter (9 bekroonde films op talloze festivals), Jiska Rickels (Babaji, in 2009 bekroond op Visions du Réel), Neske Beks en Reber Dosky (beeld en Geluid Award voor Radio Kobanî op IDFA 2016, winnaar CPH Dox, Ismailia en jury award Madrid 2017 en beste film nederlandse competitie IDFA 2019 voor Sidik en de Panter).
Dieptescherpte produceerde 1 Teledoc: Hallelujah van Kees Brouwer (600.000 kijkers) en video-installaties van Clara van Gool en Jos de Putter en Jiyan Düyü.
Als coproducent medeverantwoordelijk voor 'N' –the Madness of Reason’ van Peter Krüger (première Berlinale 2014) en ‘Wim’ van Lut Vandekeybus (2016). Als creative producer medeverantwoordelijk voor ENJOY POVERTY (Renzo Martens; 2008). De nieuwste productie van Dieptescherpte is Daughters of the Sun van Reber Dosky.
Voor meer informatie zie de website van Dieptescherpte.
Sidik and the panther, 2019, directed by Reber Dosky
For 25 long years Sidik has been searching for a snow leopard in the war-scarred mountains of Kurdistan in northern Iraq. Once there were many leopards here. If they return, Sidik believes his people and his homeland will survive. If he can capture one of the magical creatures on film the region will be declared a national park. And the bombs will never fall again. Sidik still hasn’t found his leopard. But he refuses to give up hope. As he travels through the Kurdish mountains, he meets, animals, rivers, plants, and people. Their memories and stories mesh with his own…
Acclaimed director Reber Dosky’s poetic film tells a story of hope, pride and the possibility of healing in a rarely seen land of astonishing beauty.
Little Sister (2009), video installation by Clara van Gool (detail)
Feature documentaries
Creative producer
Visual arts
© 2017